
Impressively accurate. Incredibly reliable.

Technological advancements to elevate your campus.

Good-Lite is the global gold standard in technological advancements within the vision industry.

Join us in embracing the future of optometry with innovative tools and solutions designed to elevate your professional journey.


The fastest and most precise solution for your vision screening

Crafted by schools and tailored for schools, the Good-Lite-Digital Vision Screening System has transformed the previously cumbersome, imprecise, and outdated method of identifying students with vision issues.

Our system is medically validated, aligns with AAPOS and AAP standards, operates entirely without paper, and is accessible on any web browser.

Designed for schools

Medically validated

Validated by Storm Eye Institute

100% web-based

The gold standard
Digital HRR Color Test

The test begins with 4 demo plates that serve as both a learning tool and a control measure. Each color plate is shown for a maximum of 10 seconds before being replaced by an answering grid.

Patients must then drag and drop symbols they observed onto the quadrant, specifying the symbol type and location.

Our Products

Good-Lite HRR
Digital HRR Color Test
GLD Vision Screening